The Truth About Ads, and Why They Don't Work

The Truth About Ads, and Why They Don't Work

This is why ads sometimes fail, and what needs to happen before you can have a successful ad campaign. ...more

Branding 101

May 13, 20242 min read

Using Social Media for Revenue

Using Social Media for Revenue

Stop doing social media, and start being on social media, less scripted, more real life, bring yourself in front of the camera, and let people get to know you. ...more

Branding 101

December 03, 20232 min read

3 Myths That Break Businesses

3 Myths That Break Businesses

There are 3 myths I see over and over again that can break your business... but once you understand the truth, you can change all of that. ...more

Branding 101

November 01, 20230 min read

Pillar 3: Connection

Pillar 3: Connection

Effective branding will build emotional connection with your audience. Here's more about how that works. ...more

Branding 101

October 03, 20232 min read

Pillar 2: Authenticity

Pillar 2: Authenticity

The second pillar of great branding is Authenticity. Here's why it matters and how to build it. ...more

Branding 101

September 27, 20232 min read

Pillar 1: Authority

Pillar 1: Authority

I've seen it over and over again. Clients work on these three pillars, start implementing them in their business, and MAGIC starts happening. I'm not even kidding. Organic leads, easier sales calls... ...more

Branding 101

September 19, 20231 min read